Archive | January 2015

The Ashfield Legacy Finale

So the final chapter ever is here!

Chapter 10.10


Join Luke and Gabby as they reminisce through their family albums in the final chapter of The Ashfield Legacy.


I created this Legacy in 2012, my first post was on March 22 so I have been writing and playing this family for almost 3 years! I didn’t think that I would make it due to game crashes, bad CC, deleted files and lag but I persevered and I’m so glad that I did. When I began this legacy I hadn’t played the Sims in years or written anything creative in forever so it was all learning and getting back into things. Thanks to the Ashfield’s I feel inspired to create stories again and I love using my Sims to express them.

To all of you who have stuck by this slow legacy, I want to say a big thank you. If it had not been for your encouragement and support and for the little site hits that I see daily I would not have had the confidence or drive to continue. I am grateful that you have stuck around and I hope that you have no plans of going anywhere as I have many stories that I am dying to write, not to mention The Fairytale Legacy I am over half way through.


Hope you enjoy and thanks for sticking around,
